While we have many mini trucks for sale, this chart is intended to help our customers compare an average Pre-Owned Suzuki Mini Truck to a New Polaris Ranger 570. We have done our best to compare these two vehicles objectively and just let the facts about Japanese mini trucks for sale speak for themselves. While we are comparing an average, used mini truck for sale from our facility to a brand new Polaris Ranger, we feel strongly that this is the only way to create an apples to apples comparison of the vehicles. We encourage you to do your own independent comparisons before purchasing and we feel confident that our findings will align with your findings as well. In our experience our customers who purchase a low mileage, pre-owned 4×4 mini truck from us will drive it another 80,000 miles in a wide variety of environments. A Polaris Ranger owner is lucky to get 10,000 miles out of their very expensive utility vehicle. So, if cost of ownership, or cost per mile, is important to you, the facts speak for themselves and hands down, the 4×4 mini truck is the clear winner.